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gnucap:manual:tech [2023/12/20 19:51]
gnucap:manual:tech [2023/12/20 19:52] (current)
Line 8: Line 8:
   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins]]   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:plugins]]
   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:modelgen]]   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:modelgen]]
-  * xxxxxxxx 
   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:testing]]   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:testing]]
   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:style]]   * [[gnucap:manual:tech:style]]
   * [[http://gnucap.org/gnucap-man-html/gnucap-man105.html|adding models (old)]]   * [[http://gnucap.org/gnucap-man-html/gnucap-man105.html|adding models (old)]]
   * [[http://gnucap.org/gnucap-man-html/gnucap-man107.html|old tech notes]]   * [[http://gnucap.org/gnucap-man-html/gnucap-man107.html|old tech notes]]
gnucap/manual/tech.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 19:52 by admin
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