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gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:devices:dc_and_transient_analysis [2024/09/05 18:25]
felixs [DC and transient analysis]
gnucap:manual:tech:plugins:devices:dc_and_transient_analysis [2025/01/11 05:43] (current)
felixs [DC and transient analysis] accept amendment
Line 86: Line 86:
 == void tr_accept() == == void tr_accept() ==
-This function is called exacty once after the solution at a time step has been accepted. For most devices, it does nothing. For devices having storage and delayed propagation, it evaluates what signal will be propagated. For a transmission line, it calculates and sends on the reflections.+This function is called exactly once after the solution at a time step has been accepted. With the exception of the fist step in a follow-up transient (currently under investigation). For most devices, it does nothing. For devices having storage and delayed propagation, it evaluates what signal will be propagated. For a transmission line, it calculates and sends on the reflections.
 It is called only when queued, so either tr_review or do_tr must call q_accept() to queue it. It is called only when queued, so either tr_review or do_tr must call q_accept() to queue it.
-Only tr_accept and tr_advance are allowed to add events to the event queue (SIM::new_event()).+Only tr_accept is allowed to add events to the event queue (SIM::new_event()).
gnucap/manual/tech/plugins/devices/dc_and_transient_analysis.1725578724.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/05 18:25 by felixs
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