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GNUCAP-MG-VAMS(1) Gnucap Modelgen GNUCAP-MG-VAMS(1) NAME gnucap-mg-vams - GNU Circuit Analysis Package .vams translator SYNOPSIS gnucap-mg-vams { [OPTIONS] [ACTIONS] } DESCRIPTION Gnucap-Modelgen is a translator tool in the Gnucap suite. It will transform Verilog-AMS models into C++ code implementing Gnucap com‐ ponent plugins. Basic usage (with bash, on a posix system) may look as follows. For more examples, see the examples directory. $ gnucap-mg-vams -I /path/to/include --cc mymodel.vams -o my‐ $ g++ `gnucap-conf --cppflags` -fPIC -shared -o my‐ $ gnucap -a ./ -a mgsim gnucap> ... The mgsim directory contains the plugins used in modelgen models. OPTIONS -I path Set preprocessor include path -D "name value" Set preprocessor constant -o "filename" Send output to filename (default: stdout). --flag | --noflag Various flags, under construction, see mg_options.{h,cc}. Also available through `pragma during preprocessing. ACTIONS --pp dump preprocessor output --dump dump contents as parsed --cc generate c++ file COMPILER FLAGS These may be passed to the compiler supplementing `gnucap-conf --cppflags`. -O0, -O2 Turn on, off optimisation respectively. For details, consult your compiler manual. -g Include debugging symbols. For details, consult your com‐ piler manual. -DNDEBUG Drop debugging code, essentially run time assertions. This will speed up execution significantly. -DTRACE_UNTESTED Discover test status. Untested code notification will be printed to standard error output. -DTRACE_ITESTED Similar, but notify about interactively tested code. EXAMPLES Basic Verilog-AMS models are included with this package, covering some of the primitives listed in Table E.1 of the LRM 2.4.0. For general usage, see examples directory shipped with modelgen- verilog source code. BUGS This is under construction. Expect bugs, see BUGS. AUTHOR Gnucap-mg-vams is being written by Felix Salfelder and Albert Davis with financial support from NLnet Next Generation Internet pro‐ gramme. This manual page was written by Felix Salfelder <fe‐>. For the full documentation, visit http://gnu‐ Gnucap Project May 2023 GNUCAP-MG-VAMS(1)