Noise Simulation Syntax

To run noise simulation - ad the following line to circuit file (spice format):

.noise V(a,b) Dev stepmode points fromF toF

V(a) is the same as V(a,0)

It will calculate noise power density between output nodes “a” and “b” and equivalent power at input device “Dev” using “stepmode” making “points” in frequency range “fromF”-“toF”


.noise v(3) V1 oct 5 10 10K

- calcualate spectral noise density at node “3” and reduce it to input device V1 making 5 points per octave in frequency range from 10HZ to 10KHZ

.noise V(10,12) I1 dec 2 10K 10MEG

- calcualate spectral noise density between nodes 10 and 12 and reduce it to input device I1 making 2 points per decade in frequency range from 10KHZ to 10MHZ


Usually simulators also support .print noise statement. Now it is not implemented yet. Currently output contains:

Freq inoise_density onoise_density

Also - at the end of the frequency range total power over the range s integrated:

inoise_total onoise_total