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"integrate" measure


Find the integral of a waveform, the area under the curve.


integrate(probe="p(d)"  begin=time  end=time)


arg name default description
probe required The name of a probe to measure.
begin - infinity Start averaging at this time or frequency.
end + infinity Stop averaging at this time or frequency.


This measure gives you the integral, or area under the curve, signed. The integral of a sine over a full cycle is zero.


measure sample = integrate(probe="v(out)" begin=4u end=6u)

Find the mean value of v(out) between 4 microseconds and 6 microseconds.

measure sample = integrate(probe="v(out)")

Find the mean value of v(out) for an entire run.

measure sample = integrate(probe="v(out)" begin=4u)

Find the mean value of v(out) starting at 4 microseconds, to the end.